SSL: Secure Socket Layer – Protecting Your Website Users & Their Personal Data

SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, provides a secure connection between a user’s device and the website they are browsing.

WordPress Security – A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress Security Explained Really Well... WordPress security is a common talking point. As we already know, WordPress is one of the most widely used, popular and well-known website platforms in the world. In fact, it's THE biggest. It offers a ease-of-use, flexibility and [...]

August 12th, 2017|

New Websites on the Way

The first half of 2017 has been our busiest ever period since we started building websites back in the 'noughties', so whilst we've not had time to publish news about our new launches, here is a roundup of what we have been working on... [...]

June 13th, 2017|

Google Chrome Not Secure Warning Kicks In

Tonight I have received the first warning message from Google for a website that DOES NOT have SSL security. This email states that Google is taking action NOW against websites that do not protect (encrypt) it's users details. If your website already has an SSL [...]

January 21st, 2017|

Google Clamps Down with ‘Not Secure’ Label in Chrome

Hi everyone, HTTPS is not a subject for the not so tech-savvy, please bear with me here, I'll try to keep it simple, but it's quite a technical subject... Google to punish HTTP sites with 'not-secure' label A couple of years ago Google decided [...]

December 5th, 2016|

Here’s to More HTTPS

Last week Google published another article on it's Webmasters Blog, talking yet again about the importance of HTTPS secure web browsing. We mentioned this a while back, last year in fact, and talked about how Google rewards sites with SSL certificates and secure https:// [...]

November 12th, 2016|
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