In a straight-talking, no-nonsense approach, I thought I would talk to you about Google Panda and how it might affect your website.
With Google Panda, Google changed it’s ‘rules’ around how it ranks websites in it’s organic search results. This is old news, and the point of this blog post isn’t to just inform you of that. The reason I’m writing is to inform you of some myths surrounding Google Panda.
Panda was released to penalise poor websites, simple as that. By poor websites, I mean low on content, copied content and so on. However when Panda was run, as with previous updates like Google Penguin, mad panic ensued and people started doing all the wrong things in the hope that they would avoid ranking penalties.
With Panda, Google has taken the unusual step of being quite open about what effect it might have on websites. Normally, Google is pretty secretive about this stuff so it came as a surprise to us all when they released this information via, have a read.
I won’t waffle on because the link says it all really, but if you want to ask any questions, call us on 01226 741110 or fill in our enquiry form.
Dan @