I just wanted to say a big Merry Christmas to all my fantastic customers and anyone else who visits my site.
For some reason (and I’ve never been able to put my finger on it) January is always mega busy for me so I’m going to make the most of the break! This year things have really taken off, with 15 new websites launched and live on the web.
It is always nice to look back on the year. The thing that I’ve enjoyed the most this year is the learning curve. Never before have I learned so much in such a short space of time. The web does that to you though, it is a constantly evolving thing and the only way to survive is to ‘go with the times!’ (had to get that in somewhere).
Responsive websites are the biggest thing on most peoples lips at the moment, and this year has seen many of my customers asking me to update their sites to make them tablet and mobile friendly.
Google always keeps us on our toes and this year has been no different. We have to keep up with Google because at the end of the day, it makes its own rules when it comes to rankings!
Time for a glass of mulled wine…
Have a good one!